Sunday, October 18, 2009

Because I was bored tonight I went here and read this:

Then, I read this...and looked at the pictures...particularly the one where the mom is seeing her daughter for the first time:


And now, after three glasses of wine especially,

I am bawling my eyes out over the keyboard

thinking of how everyone says that people are in a better place

when they die, and all theological arguments about heaven and hell aside,

I imagine being in Heaven,

having just given birth to a baby girl

crawling on the golden streets looking at God with such bitterness

crying, "I just wanted to watch her sleep for one fucking night."

Reading this makes me feel incredibly hopeless about the future. I don't know if I could ever deal with grief. Not that immediate. Not when someone so close to me is taken away so soon.

1 comment:

  1. Michellebelle, I assume you're working on Sunday? If so, maybe I can stop by before church? I'm still sad that I spaced it last Sunday and didn't get to bring you with me.

    I adoreee youuuu!
